Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier

Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier
Photo by Harry T. Halverson of a typical Sunny Day in Olympia, WA

In Memory of Harry T. Halverson

Monday, July 7, 2008 2 comments

Written by his grandson; R. W. Rogers

To commemorate my Grandfather and his magnificent work, I always wanted to make sure some sort of history was available for anyone interested. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this was something I wanted to do until he passed away on Saturday, October 13, 2001 at the age of 82. I've looked and gathered what bits and pieces I can and could. However, I eventually came across a Documentary of my Grandfather by a titled name ~DrStang, the page is merely a .doc file linked below and kudos to this unknown person. Additional photos were added to enhance what is mentioned in the Documentary of Harry T. Halverson. (Side Note) This Documentary was done prior to Harry's passing. Harry's two seismographs from Kinemetrics were since taken in for diagnostics. When he passed away, they just seemed to quit working. I would have changed the wording below to past tense, yet reading it feels like he's still right here. This for me, is hard to pass up.

Go here to read the entire history of this wonderful man!

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This site is for sale!


Included in the sale:

The list of members on who belong to: Friends of Olympia.
There are 41 members currently. (as of 7 July 2008)

Also included is the url:

The LOGO is NOT offered for sale. The LOGO for City of Olympia is owned by the City of Olympia not this url.

I'm selling this blog, the url, and the list of names, PLUS I will turn over to the buyer the manager rights to run this group on owns the use of the group on their site, so I cannot offer it for sale, I can only offer the management of the group.

Please contact: for your questions or to make an offer.

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