Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier

Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier
Photo by Harry T. Halverson of a typical Sunny Day in Olympia, WA

In Memory of Harry T. Halverson

Monday, July 7, 2008 2 comments

Written by his grandson; R. W. Rogers

To commemorate my Grandfather and his magnificent work, I always wanted to make sure some sort of history was available for anyone interested. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this was something I wanted to do until he passed away on Saturday, October 13, 2001 at the age of 82. I've looked and gathered what bits and pieces I can and could. However, I eventually came across a Documentary of my Grandfather by a titled name ~DrStang, the page is merely a .doc file linked below and kudos to this unknown person. Additional photos were added to enhance what is mentioned in the Documentary of Harry T. Halverson. (Side Note) This Documentary was done prior to Harry's passing. Harry's two seismographs from Kinemetrics were since taken in for diagnostics. When he passed away, they just seemed to quit working. I would have changed the wording below to past tense, yet reading it feels like he's still right here. This for me, is hard to pass up.

Go here to read the entire history of this wonderful man!

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This site is for sale!


Included in the sale:

The list of members on who belong to: Friends of Olympia.
There are 41 members currently. (as of 7 July 2008)

Also included is the url:

The LOGO is NOT offered for sale. The LOGO for City of Olympia is owned by the City of Olympia not this url.

I'm selling this blog, the url, and the list of names, PLUS I will turn over to the buyer the manager rights to run this group on owns the use of the group on their site, so I cannot offer it for sale, I can only offer the management of the group.

Please contact: for your questions or to make an offer.

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Welcome to Olympia, Washington

Monday, June 9, 2008 0 comments

Tugboats Racing in Budd Inlet......beautiful mountains.......lazy back roads thru farm and ranch country........we have all the beauty that God makes available to us on earth!

Come and visit us!

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It was an amazingly beautiful Saturday afternoon...May 31, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008 0 comments

Click on the picture to make it explode to full screen.

Joyce and I headed north out of Shelton, Wa (about 20 minutes from our home in Olympia) this morning for Port Townsend, WA. Port Townsend is exactly 100 miles from Olympia and a two hour ride for us. We like to ride up on a Saturday for lunch. Its really pretty and right on the water. You can see across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. got kind of chilly as we headed north.

So, we decided to turn back around and head up the Skokomish Valley just outside of Shelton. We had made a quick ride up a few years ago. This time we wanted to 'drink in' the entire valley slowly and savor its beauty.

There were fields full of millions of yellow buttercups that just were amazing! We stopped and watched some beautiful horses in a field and enjoyed the view including the house and barn in the background. What an idyllic little valley.

I hope you all can come some spring or summer and ride up the valley with us.

Send me your photos and/or just a snippet on what your weekend had for you so far.........

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Please send your Olympia Pictures for us to post to this site!


Thanks to Mr. Whitlock for the wonderful photo looking north from the 4th Avenue bridge.
We live in a very beautiful city. The city has very progressive politics and an active citizenry.

We love business that is a friend to our environment. Please send us your favorite Olympia pictures.

Also please consider sending us any post that offers Olympia area products to the world and/or the other way around. We'd like to help Olympia grow in an eco- friendly and sustainable way.

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Did I mention I support Governor Chris Gregoire for Re-Election?


Please get out and support Governor Gregoire's re-election efforts in whatever way you can! We can NOT afford to let Dino Rossi become governor. His Bush wannabe politics will take our state to ruin much as 'King' George has take the United States to its worse condition in 100 years.

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I support Governor Chris Gregoire!

Friday, May 30, 2008 0 comments

This weekend, our Republican opponent will attend the state Republican Party convention and present his agenda to bring the extreme policies of the Bush Administration to our state.

Our Republican opponent has supported policies like cutting healthcare for the poorest children and denying the true causes of global climate change. It's obvious that his agenda has not changed.

We cannot wait until November to send the message that we reject the extreme plans of our Republican opponent. We need to send a strong message to the Republicans before the final day of their convention this Saturday.

As a state senator, our Republican opponent wrote a budget that would have slashed healthcare for 46,000 low-income kids. He also supported President Bush's decision to cut healthcare for millions of poor children.

But I believe healthcare is a right, not a perk, so we've provided healthcare to 84,000 more kids and fought the Bush Administration over its irresponsible and illegal decision.

Our Republican opponent is denying the true causes of global climate change, and his supporters include the state's largest, most powerful anti-environmental lobbyists.

But I believe our greatest legacy to our children and grandchildren is a cleaner, greener Washington. So we've been getting results that have made Washington a national leader in the fight against global climate change and created the Puget Sound Partnership to clean up the Puget Sound.

Your support before midnight Saturday will help prevent the Bush Administration's policies and their messenger from gaining momentum in this campaign.

We have made so much progress and, together, we will continue to take on challenges and get results.

Chris Gregoire

P.S. Want to learn more about my campaign? Sign up for updates by clicking here.

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