Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier

Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier
Photo by Harry T. Halverson of a typical Sunny Day in Olympia, WA

Welcome to Friends of Olympia

Monday, April 28, 2008 0 comments

A typical sunny day in Olympia, Washington. Sailboats passing on Budd Inlet with Mt. Rainier showing its full presence in the background. This is what its all about! This is why we live here. When the sun is out on a blue sky day; there is no place more beautiful on earth!

Please send me your favorite picture of the city, of you, of you in the city, or any picture that relates back to Olympia. Even send pictures of 'other' Olympia's in the world.

Let's make this a repository for those who want to gain a broader look at our wonderful city.

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