Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier

Boats on Budd Inlet w. Mt. Rainier
Photo by Harry T. Halverson of a typical Sunny Day in Olympia, WA

What an amazing weekend!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 0 comments

It was SOOOOOOOOOO............beautiful here this last weekend. With the temps going into the 90's so early on Saturday, and the 70/80 degrees on Thurs/Fri/Sat/ was a weekend to get outdoors and enjoy the sites.

Here's a picture of my wife Joyce sitting on our motorcycle at Boston Harbor (just south of downtown Olympia). What a great location! Moutains, Water, Boats, beautiful homes, and a cute little restaurant. Could you ask for anything more?

Oh by the way; we're up to 21 members of Friends of Olympia and growing steadily. AND....take a look at the little map on the right side. If you click on it, it will show you a little flag representing the country of a visitor to this site......we are quite worldly you know!

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